
Our house has been dedicated to God and as members of the team we are all committed to the service of Jesus Christ in local witness in service to all those He sends to us.

Len and Phyl Holder moved into the Black Forest in 1989 and became convinced this should be the location to settle and serve God. The first ‘Haus Barnabas’ was in rented premises and was named after the New Testament companion of the Apostle Paul who was both an encourager of believers and a missionary.

The present Haus Barnabas in a 17th century village hostelry was purchased with the help of the bank in 2002. Deborah Rule joined the Holders to assist in English teaching and Tim Brooks joined as Deb’s husband in 2000. Their two children, Tom and Esther, help to keep the house young and also provide for additional worthwhile contacts with village life.

Deb & Tim have now taken over the main responsibility for the work as Len & Phyl have retired.

A number of voluntary helpers have spent time with us for short periods but we are prayerfully seeking for new team members, devoted to God and with a desire to serve Him in the service of others in fellowship with us.